




近代中國婦女史研究  18 期(2010 12 月),頁1-52



在中國浩瀚的歷史中,兒童所占的篇幅相當有限。時至近代,由於國勢衰頹與西風東漸,兒童因其身繫國族未來命運而被重新發掘,而身為「國民之母」的婦女也被要求在家守護民族幼苗。為了固本培元,中國人更加留意以最佳的方式來餵哺尚無生存能力的嬰兒。配合當代醫學與科技的發達,以母乳哺育的「胸哺」,與以乳製品餵養的「瓶哺」,成為20 世紀上半葉兩種廣受討論的哺乳之道。本文考察的重點有四:一、兒童如何在時代的潮流中重新被發現;二、近代醫者與知識分子對於哺餵母乳及雇用奶媽的看法;三、鮮奶及代乳粉存在於嬰兒市場中的因素及產品訴求;最後,則藉由近代婦女的育嬰經驗與哺育抉擇,討論「胸哺」與「瓶哺」的市場競爭情形。






Children did not play an important role in Chinese history. Recently, however,children’s importance in human culture was rediscovered, stemming from theweakened Chinese nation and the Western influence. Women, being a “Nation’sMother,” were asked to stay home and protect the nation’s offspring. To benefit bothmother and infant, the Chinese started to pay special attention to the best infant feeding methods. In line with developments in medicine and technology, “breastmilk” from breast-feeding and “cow milk” from bottle-feeding became extensively discussed nursing topics in the early 20th century. This research delves into four key elements: first, how the importance of children was rediscovered; second, breast-feeding and wet-nursing from modern medicine and the academic’s point of view; third, deciding factors of cow milk and such dairy products in the infant’s market; finally, the competitive situation between breast-feeding and bottle- feeding.


Key Words: breast-feeding, wet nurse, bottle-feeding, dairy products, children


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