版主:37,我抽了時間回到臺北。長庚傳醫所的 李岳峰 醫師送了一本碩論給我。我和他應該算是同學,因為我們一起修過 李 老師的醫經醫史的課程。我們隨意選了離台電大樓捷運站5號出口附近的飲料店坐下來,天南地北的聊起來。我很驚訝,也很感動,因為 李 醫師對醫學人文的熱情,讓我覺得醫學史不是只有史家在關注而已,他和我提到的「中醫始信社」和《杏仁》,是一群喜好醫學人 文的 醫 師和 老師所組成,我衷心期待它能繼續發展、延續下去醫者對醫史研究的熱情與生命。又特別的是,他做的是台灣中醫史,與當今醫界的的發展可說是息息相關;並且透過其言,讓我瞭解到,台灣民間有相當多的民俗研究學者或醫生對台灣中醫各方面的發展都很有興趣,他們手上有許多未公開的老資料,真可謂臥虎藏龍呢;史料、更多的史料以及口述歷史,將之系統整理,可能是治台灣中醫史所必須注意的首要步驟。其論文可以幫助解答我這個外行人的疑惑:為什麼我們在台灣看的中醫,是發展成現在這個模樣?我們都知道,經過民國時期的中西醫論爭後,現代中醫已經和「傳統」中醫大不相同了,從現代中醫的經驗出發,反溯去探索促使其改變的因素,並進一步去理解已逝去、或仍存在的傳統,如此既有歷史的意義,也可以說是有實用的目的(學歷史有什麼用?我希望這可以是解答之一)。最後,期待 李 醫師能繼續的追索下去,並保持與史家持續的對話,更進一步地去探索他跟我說的幾個線索。





The development of the integration of Chinese and Western medicine in Taiwan over the last fifty years : 1958-2008




    本文探討中國醫藥學院成立 (1958) 之後,台灣近五十年來中西醫結合的發展。以學校-醫院-醫家為論述的軸心,旁及大陸、日本和台灣的中西醫交流史,來增加對於此軸心的理解。







    There has been long time since the exchange of Chinese and Western medicine started . According to historical and protracted data, the exchange of Chinese and Western medicine began at late Ming and early Qing Dynasty. The second event of the exchange of Chinese and Western medicine was  the Opium War. In the late Qing Dynasty,  the converged traditional and Western medicine  formed gradually in medical association.  In the Beginning of the Republic of China, Chinese medicine was excluded from the government.  In the trend of Westernization, Chinese medicine are not taken seriously. Until private China Medical College established, the integration of Chinese and Western medicine in Taiwan started for the actual progress .

    Our thesis discusses the development of the integration of Chinese and Western medicine in Taiwan over the last fifty years after the establishment of the China Medical College (1958). The axis of this article was School - Hospital -  physician, and we also discuss the history of the exchange of Chinese and Western medicine in mainland China , Japan and Taiwan , in order to increase the understanding for this axis.

The establishment of the China Medical College is considered a milestone in the development of Integrative Medicine. In dual tracks of education mode of Chinese and Western medicine, the students have practical knowledge for both medicine, but there is still much has not done in the aspedt of “integration ”.

     In the beginning, the school of medicine in China Medical College was actually a double major of Chinese and Western medicine. In this period, there was a representative physician of the integration of  Chinese and Western medicine, Zi-Yu Yun. He believed that the center of the integration of Chinese and Western medicine was “On Cold Damage”. He tried to interpret “On Cold Damage”  through the continuously progressive western medicine .

In the clinical field, doctors could not really begin to the integrate Chinese and Western medicine until 1980, China Medical College Hospital was founded.

     For the three decades from the hospital was established, from the " Chinese and Western medicine Cooperation  Hospital " to "Center for integrative Chinese and Western Medicine ", to the "department of the integration of Chinese and Western medicine, " the level of the integration of Chinese and Western medicine continues to lower down. However, it is more and more common that the public and private teaching hospitals in Taiwan set up their departments of Chinese medicine.  In these hospitals, the interaction and mutual cooperation of Chinese and Western medicine happen mainly through the consultation and research projects.


Keywords:  The integration of Chinese and Western medicine, Taiwan , Traditional Chinese medicine











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