4th International Conference on
The History of Medicine in Southeast Asia (HOMSEA 2012)
To be held in Solo (Surakarta)
2-5 July 2012
to coincide with IAHA 2012 (International Association of Historians of Asia)
Organised by:
(Perhimpunan Sejarah Kedoktoran Indonesia /
Indonesian Association of the History of Medicine)
With support from:
The University of Indonesia
University of Sydney
The Canada Research Chair in Health Care Pluralism, Université de Montréal (Canada)
Call for papers
All proposals on the subject of the history of medicine and health in Southeast Asia will be considered, but preference will be given to those on the theme of:
- The history of medical education in Southeast Asia
- Indigenous medical traditions
- History of Military medicine
- Medical biographies
- Organising the medical profession
- Women’s health and family planning
- Medicine and social development
- Contact, exchange, and circulation of medicine in Southeast Asia
As the HOMSEA meeting will coincide with the IAHA 2012 meeting in Surakarta, those interested in expanding the discussion either geographically--to include North East Asia and South Asia--chronologically, or methodologically are encouraged to apply to HOMSEA as well as the IAHA meeting to broaden the scope of discussion.
Please see the IAHA website at: http://iaha22.geosejarah.org/
Please submit a one-page proposed abstract for a 20-minute talk, and a one-page CV by 30th December 2011 to: Laurence Monnais: laurence.monnais-rousselot@umontreal.ca
Please note that it may be possible to subsidize some of the costs of participation for scholars from less wealthy countries.
For further information about funding and the general organization of the meeting, please contact Hans Pols: hans.pols@sydney.edu.au
2012 HOMSEA Meeting Committees
2012 HOMSEA Meeting/Scientific Committee
Warwick Anderson
Peter Boomgaard
Rethy Chhem
Harold J. Cook
Laurence Monnais
Kartono Mohamad
Hans Pols
2012 HOMSEA Meeting/ LOC committee
Firman Lubis
Rushdy Hoesein
Kartono Mohamad
Doddy Partomihardjo