24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and


Call for

The Congress will consider two forms of submission:
Symposia and Individual Papers. A Symposium is an organised thematic panel
consisting of several papers addressing a specific topic. The call for
Individual Papers will be managed separately, and will open in May 2012 (see
key dates). The call for Symposia is now open.

A printable version of the information
(pdf) is available.

How to submit

You can download a submission form in Microsoft Word (.docx) format or Rich Text Format. Please email the completed
form to

We expect to replace this form by an online
submission form with equivalent content soon.


The Congress requires that each Symposium is
organised by two or more individuals from different countries.
Organisers may be representatives of institutions, or act together as
individuals. We encourage organisers to ensure that the composition of their
panels reflects a range of different national backgrounds and perspectives.

The theme of the 24th Congress is ‘Knowledge at
.’ All proposals must indicate how the Symposium fits into this theme,
broadly considered.

Each Commission of the Division of the History of
Science and Technology of the International Union for the History and
Philosophy of Science is expected to organise at least one Symposium in its

The Congress has no funds to support Symposia,
excepting the probable availability of student bursaries (to be announced at a
later date). However, any sponsorship (academic or commercial) that a Symposium
may obtain will be fully acknowledged at the Congress and in its publications.


The expected timetabling is as follows: each day of
the Congress will be divided into two half-day slots, and each slot into two
90-minute sessions (giving four sessions per day). A Symposium may occupy from
one to eight half-day slots in the programme.

Within this session structure, Symposium organisers
are free to propose any arrangement of speakers. For instance, a session may
contain eight 10-minute papers or three 30-minute papers, with or without

There is no limit to the total number of papers in a
Symposium proposal, provided they can be accommodated in the slots requested.

All proposals must be accompanied by five keywords
reflecting the theme of the Symposium. To minimise clashes in a programme which
will include many parallel sessions, the choice of these keywords is vital, as
they will be used to determine the first draft of the programme. Keywords may
be short phrases, and might include a geographical region, a chronological
period, a theme, a named individual, etc. For example: ‘nineteenth century’
‘institutions’ ‘chemistry’ ‘ England ’
‘Humphry Davy’.

The Programme Committee will try to arrange for
Symposia requiring more than one slot to run sequentially, but this cannot be

To minimise clashes, the Programme Committee also
reserves the right to add papers from elsewhere to a Symposium.


Papers may be presented in any of the following
languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese,
Russian and Arabic. Descriptions of Symposia may be submitted in any of these
languages, but must be followed by a French or English translation.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide facilities
for translation at the Congress.

Completing the
submission form

Symposium organisers are required to complete all the
spaces on the form.

Your ‘Description of the Symposium’ should explain
how the Symposium addresses the theme of ‘Knowledge at Work’, and indicate as
far as possible who will be speaking (the Programme Committee appreciates that
you may only be able to give provisional details at this stage).

The form will be taken down at midnight (British
Summer Time) on Monday 30 April 2012. No proposals can be considered after this

The Programme Committee will send confirmations of
all accepted proposals to the named organisers, via the contact details given,
by Saturday 30 June 2012. It will then be the responsibility of the Symposium
organisers to ensure that their speakers submit their individual abstracts via
the individual paper submission system.

Organisers should note that no speaker will appear on
the programme who has not registered by 1 July 2013. It is the organiser’s
responsibility to make sure that all potential speakers are aware of this.




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