版主:捷克科學院東方研究所Dr. Vladimir Ando博士將於5月2日至13日至史語所訪問。承尚仁老師邀請,擔任接待,誠惶誠恐,因為我不會捷克文,英文口語也沒有像老師們那般優秀,所以到時恐怕會比手畫腳啊,希望老師多罩著點。也期望這位學者會說簡單的中文,這樣交流起來比較方便。回想2006年底,梁其姿老師也曾請我接待一個比利時的人類學者,我同樣感到害怕,沒想到這位學者中文超好,竟然還和我爭論起有關道教內丹文獻上對身體觀解讀的古文,我對之非常佩服,也深感世界之大,學問之廣,臥虎藏龍者甚夥。
地址:Oriental Institute - Czech Academy of
Sciences Pod vodarenskou vezi 4, 182 08 Praha 8 - Liben, Czech Republic
電話:(+4202)6605 2492
傳真:(+4202)689 7260
E-mail: orient@orient.cas.cz
捷克文Orientální ústav
The Oriental Institute of the Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic
is a research institution specialising in the field of Oriental Studies. The
Institute collaborates with Czech universities providing teaching of relevant
subjects, training junior researchers and taking part in post-graduate doctoral
programmes. The Institute provides information services, and works actively
with the mass media.
The Institute endeavours to adopt a complex and dynamic
approach in its research programmes. In the area of historical research, the
Institute focuses on India
and other countries of South Asia, on Southeast Asia, the Arab world, history
of the Middle East and the Ancient Near East.
The medieval and modern history of China
and Mongolia , as well as the
modern history of several regions of Africa is
also studied.
Another important part of the Institute’s research
activities is the study of philosophies and religions of the Orient, namely
Islam (in the context of recent and contemporary history of the Near East),
Buddhism (in Southeast Asia, the Himalayan region, Tibet
and Mongolia ),
Hinduism, Taoism and Confucianism, and of the religions of the Ancient Near
East. The relevance of religions and religious beliefs to modern societies is
also studied, including the interaction of religion and political ideologies
(Islamic reformism, fundamentalism, Hindu nationalism and communalism, Buddhist
dimension of Southeast Asian politics). The integration of non-European
migrants into the western societies, as exemplified by Chinese, African and
South Asian communities in the Czech
Republic , is also a study theme.
Research of Asian languages focuses on quantitative linguistics, Chinese
phonetics, and Hindi lexicography. Research in literature is done mainly in
Hindi, Mongolian, Tibetan and Arabic literatures.
As a part of interdisciplinary study in traditional cultural values, material
culture of Sub-Saharan Africa is researched. Further research activities of the
Institute include a study in theoretical and cultural foundations of the
traditional Chinese medicine, based on primary Chinese sources.
The Oriental Institute of Prague was founded under the Act No. 27/1922
passed by the Czechoslovak parliament on January 25, 1922. According to the
act, the aim of the Institute was “to cultivate and build up scientific and economic
relations with the Orient”. The establishment of the Institute was supported by the first
Czechoslovak President T. G. Masaryk, who gave it both moral and financial
On November 25, 1927, the President nominated the first 34 members of the
Institute. In 1929, the first issue of the scholarly journal Archiv orientální (published by
the Institute) appeared. In May 1931, the library of the Institute was opened.
In 1945, the Institute started publishing the Czech language journal Nový
In 1952, the Oriental Institute was incorporated into the newly formed
Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. Forty years later, in 1992, shortly before
the partition of Czechoslovakia ,
the Institute became a constituent part of the Academy
of Sciences of the Czech Republic .
東方研究所成立於 1922 年,當時的捷克總統 T.G. Masaryk 是創始人之一,同時也給予經費援助。1952 年該所併入捷克科學院,下設多個部門,涵蓋亞洲及北非的所有文化區域。在組織結構中,中國研究隸屬東亞部(主任 V. Liscak),與日本、韓國、蒙古、西藏研究同屬一個部門。前所長是漢學家 Josef Kolmas,目前他的研究重心是西藏研究。
Ando),中國南部少數民族、早期中國佛教(Vladimir Liscak),漢文化與中國南方少數民族、中國現代史(Lubica Obuchova),以音韻學為重心的中國語言學、中國辭典編纂法(Hana Triskova)。
中國研究之外,西藏及蒙古研究也是該所的研究範圍,主題有人類學、中國與西藏的歷史與常民文化、西藏歷史與文學、西藏佛教(Josef Kolmas),蒙古文學、蒙古佛教、藏蒙手稿及版畫的分類編目(Lygzima Chaloupkova)。目前是業餘研究者的退休研究人員 Dr. Marta Kiripolska,其對蒙古與西藏文學的研究也必須在此一提。
Ando);長期以來的絲路與中國中亞(新疆)文化接觸(Vladimir Liscak),中文口語音韻的電腦分析(H. Triskova),中國大陸的民族情況—以中國南部人種學研究為例(Lubica Obuchova),西藏—蒙古字典及捷克對等語(L. Chaloupkova)。
東方研究所的部分研究員與查大東亞研究所有密切關係,在查大兼課、準備教學用教材(H. Triskova, Phonetics of Modern Chinese : Basic Course)。
一般研究之外,該所負責管理捷克東方研究史檔案,編輯出版捷克漢學家的傳記與著作目錄,並參與各種計畫,如 Kdo byl kdo, cesti a slovensti orientaliste, afrikaniste a
iberoamerikaniste(Who was who in Czech Oriental, African and Latin American Studies. Prague,
圖書館是該所的重要單位,其館藏在捷克獨一無二,就西歐國家而言也相當重要,是捷克境內擁有最多與亞洲研究(包括中國研究)相關的西文圖書的圖書館(圖書近 20 萬冊;期刊 2700 種;目前訂閱的期刊約有200 種)。1994 年,美國漢學家 J.K. Fairbank 捐贈的一批西文圖書,充實了中國歷史方面的館藏。目前圖書館中文部,也就是所謂的「魯迅圖書館」藏書約 5 萬冊,大多由 Prusek 教授親自挑選,於 1950 年購自大陸。該館引以為傲的是叢書(110 種)、方志、中國戲劇方面的出版品、道藏、大藏經以及 20 世紀初期的期刊(以文學為主)。魯迅圖書館的線上目錄,目前正在建置中。
東亞研究所另有一所西藏圖書館,藏有完整的西藏佛教經典 Kanjur 和 Tanjur,係於 1958 年購自西藏東部城鎮 Derge。
該所是以亞洲、非洲研究為主,創刊於 1929 年的國際性季刊 Archiv Orientalni 的出版單位,主編是 L. Obuchova。二次世界大戰後,Archiv Orientalni 補編叢書ArOr Supplementa 創刊。1964 年刊載一系列研究論文的 Dissertationes Orientales 創刊。此外還有一本以一般讀者為訴求的月刊 Novy Orient,自 1945 年起由該所出版( 1960 年代出版的英文版 New Orient Bimonthly,已不再出版)。
1. Vladimir Ando, Klasicka
cinska medicina. Zaklady teorie I.- IV=Classical Chinese Medicine. Basic Theory
I-IV. Svitani, Hradec Kralove
1995, 1996, 1997, 1999.
2. Marta Kiripolska: Chan
Geser, vladca desiatich svetovych stran; pribehy zo stareho Tibetu, akoo si ich
rozpravali Mongoli = Kchan Geser; stories from ancient Tibet
transmitted by the Mongols. Prague ,
3. M. Kiripolska, A
description of the Mongolian manuscripts and Blockprints in Prague Collection,
Acta Orientali hung., XLIX, 3, 1996, 277-344.
4. Josef Kolmas: Prague Colleciotn of
Tibetan Prints from Derge, Vol. III. Dissertationes Orientales No. 48, Orientalni
ustav, Prague
5. Josef Kolmas: The Ambans
and Assistant Ambans of Tibet :
A Chronological Study.
6. Karel Slavicek: Listy z
Ciny (Letters from China ), Prague , 1994. A bilingual
edition of letters written by a Jesuit Missionary of Czech origin active at the
court of emperor K'ang-hsi. Translated from Latin by Josef Vrastil in 1935,
amended and prepared for publication by Josef Kolmas.
7. Hana Triskova(ed.),
Transkripce cinstiny I, II( Phonetic transcriptions of Chinese. Collection of
papers conversion tables of various western transcription systems) Prague , 1999.
8. Lubica Obuchova: Cinane 21.
Stoleti (The Chinese of 21th Century), Prague ,