International Conference on
Diseases and Public Health in Asian Ports (1850s-1950s)
Date: 24-25 June 2010
Venue: Room 501, Shaw Tower, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ý 24 June, 2010 Ý
08:30 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 – 9:30 Opening Ceremony
Welcoming Address: MAK King Sang Ricardo (Head, Department of History, HKBU)
Opening Addresses: CHOW Kai Wing (Director, Modern History Research Center, HKBU)
WONG Man Kong (Chairman, Organizing Committee)
Group Photograph
9:30 – 11:00
Panel 1: Historiography and New Perspectives of Studies in Medical History
主席﹕梁元生 (香港中文大學)
Chair: LEUNG Yuen-sang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
1. | 周佳榮 (香港浸會大學) |
CHOW Kai-wing (Hong Kong Baptist University) | |
¡ 從常州到滬港 — 孟河醫派與中西醫匯通 From Changzhou to Shanghai and Hong Kong: The Menghe School and the Fusion of Chinese and Western Medicines | |
2. | 余新忠 (南開大學) |
YU Xinzhong (Nankai University) | |
¡ 晚清的衛生防疫與近代身體的形成 The control of diseases in late Imperial China and the Formation of the Body Concept in Modern Times | |
3. | 蔣竹山 (國立東華大學) |
CHIANG Chu-shan (National Dong Hwa University) | |
¡ 新文化史視野下的亞洲醫療史研究:回顧與展望 A New Cultural History of Asian Medicines: Historiography and Issue |
11:00 - 11:30 Tea Break
11:30 - 13:00
Panel 2: The American Factor in the Making of Modern Public Health System: South China Perspectives
Chair: CHU Yik-yi Cindy (Hong Kong Baptist University)
1. | XU Guangqiu (Friends University) |
¡ American doctors and the modern health and hygien movement in Canton, 1835-1935 | |
2. | David J. KANG (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
¡ Women’s Healing Spaces: Female Patients and their Foreign Doctor in Canton Hospital, 1835-1855 | |
3. | Carol TSANG (The University of Hong Kong) |
¡ Normalising Women’s Diseases: The London Missionary Society, Chinese Elites and American Philanthropists in Hong Kong, 1880s to 1930s |
13:00 – 14:30 Lunch
14:30 – 16:00
Panel 3: Prevention and Management
主席﹕李金強 (香港浸會大學)
Chair: LEE Kam-keung (Hong Kong Baptist University)
1. | 胡成 (南京大學) |
HU Cheng (Nanjing University) | |
¡ 性病預防、道德規訓和文明形象—以進德會為中心的上海禁娼(1919-1925) The Prevention of Venereal Diseases, Moral Admonishment, and the Civilizing Images: The Abolishing of Prostitution Advocated by Shanghai Moral Welfare League in Shanghai International Settlement (1918-1925) | |
2. | 羅婉嫻 (香港浸會大學) |
LAW Yuen-han (Hong Kong Baptist University) | |
¡ 戰前新加坡的瘧疾預防政策 The Anti-Malaria Policies in Pre-WWII Singapore | |
3. | 黎漢基 (中山大學) |
LAI Han-kei (Sun Yat-Sen University) | |
¡ 廣州藥物規管的政策變遷(1921–1957) The Changes in Controls of Pharmaceutical Products in Guangzhou (1921-1957) |
16:00 - 16:30pm Tea Break
16:30 - 18:00
Panel 4: Socio-economic Factors and Colonialism in Public Health Systems
Chair: Wataru IIJIMA (Aoyama Gakuin University)
1. | Robert PECKHAM (The University of Hong Kong) |
¡ Infective Economies: Plague and Trade in Hong Kong | |
2. | WONG Man Kong (Hong Kong Baptist University) |
¡ Poverty and Disease: Beriberi in Southeast Asia and Hong Kong | |
3. | KIM Young Soo (The University of Tokyo) |
¡ Making medical and sanitary systems in treaty port Incheon |
Ý 25 June, 2010 Ý
09:00 - 10:30
Panel 5: The Politics of Quarantine in Asian Ports
Chair: MAK King-sang Ricardo (Hong Kong Baptist University)
1. | YIP Ka-che (University of Maryland) |
¡ Segregation, Isolation, and Quarantine: Protecting Hong Kong from Diseases in the Prewar Period | |
2. | Tomo ICHIKAWA (Shanghai Jiao Tong University) |
¡ Negotiating the Maritime Order: History of Quarantine in 19th century Japan | |
3. | Yuki FUKUSHI (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) |
¡ Shipping and Maritime Quarantine in Modern East Asia: focus on Chinese-Japanese Relation |
10:30 – 11:00 Tea Break
Panel 6: Medical Missionaries and the development of Western Medicine in Chinese Ports
主席﹕蘇精 (國立清華大學)
Chair: SU Ching (National Tsing Hua University)
1. | 孫琢 (中國科學院自然科學史研究所) |
SUN Zhuo (The Institute for the History of Natural Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences) | |
¡ 在醫學與宗教之間:合信在華醫學活動新探 Between Medicine and Religion: A new perspective on Benjamin Hobson’s Medical Activities in China | |
2. | 蘇芳玉 (國立中央大學) |
SU Fang-yu (National Central University) | |
¡ 清季西式醫療在臺灣的拓展—以長老教會、海關為中心 The Expansion of Western Medicine in late Qing Taiwan: The Presbyterian Missionaries and Chinese Maritime Customs as Cases Studies | |
3. | 胡衛清 (山東大學) |
HU Weiqing (Shandong University) | |
¡ 近代汕頭的疾疫與防治:以長老會福音醫院為中心的考察 1867-1927 The Control of Diseases in Modern Shantou: The Presbyterian Hospital as the Case Study (1867-1927) |
11:00 -12:30
12:30 - 14:30 Lunch
East Asian Medical History Workshop
June 25, 2010
14:30 – 17:30pm
Room 501, Shaw Tower, Hong Kong Baptist University
主持 Chairman & Discussion Facilitator
葉嘉熾 (教授,馬里蘭大學)
YIP Ka-che (Professor, University of Maryland)
周佳榮 (教授,香港浸會大學)
CHOW Kai Wing (Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University)
¡ 二十世紀以來的中國醫學史研究
(A Review of Chinese Medical History since the Twentieth Century)
胡成 (教授,南京大學)
HU Cheng (Professor, Nanjing University)
¡ 走向“關注底層民眾”的醫療史研究 — 以東三省鼠疫蔓延時的檢疫、防疫為中心(1910—1911)
Turn to “History from Below”: The Anti-Plagues in the Three Eastern Provinces (1910-1911)
蘇精 (教授,國立清華大學)
SU Ching (Professor, National Tsing Hua University)
¡ 基督教傳教會檔案中的醫學史料
Sources for Medical History from Protestant Missionary Records
飯島涉 (教授,青山學院大學)
Wataru IIJIMA (Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University)
¡ 日本人醫療史研究述評
余新忠 (教授,南開大學)
YU Xinzhong (Professor, Nankai University)
¡ 中國醫療社會文化史研究的現狀與趨向
The Socio-cultural History of Chinese Medicine: The State of the Field Review