◎ “ Studies in the History of Biology and Medicine” Workshop
Chair: Dr. Ku-Ming (Kevin) Chang (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
Respondent: Prof. Janet Browne (History of Science Department, Harvard University )
1. Speaker: Dr. Heng-An Chen (Associate Prof. and Department Chair, Department of History, National Cheng Kung University )Topic: "Evolution” in Taiwanese Senior High School Biology and History Textbooks: 1964-2008
2. Speaker: Dr. Yu-Chuan Wu (Attending Physician, Department of Psychiatry, Cardinal Tien Hospital )
Topic: A Disorder of Ki? Psychotherapies for Neurasthenia in Japan , 1890-1945
3. Speaker: Dr. Sean Hsiang-Lin Lei (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Modern History , Academia Sinica)
Topic: Qi-Transformation and the Steam Engine: The Incorporation of Western Anatomy and ReConceptualisation of the Body in Nineteenth-Century Chinese Medicine
時 間:11月21日 (週三)下午4:00-5:30
地 點:本所研究大樓704會議室