Call for Papers
Science, Technology, and Medicine in East Asia : Policy, Practice, and Implications in a Global Context
October 7–9, 2011
The Ohio State University
Mershon Center for International Security Studies
1501 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Since the end of World War II, historical and contemporary developments in East Asian science, technology, and medicine have received increasing scholarly attention partly due to historian of Japanese science James R. Bartholomew's career-long commitment to the field and his mentorship of a younger generation of scholars.
This interdisciplinary conference proposes to examine the ways in which the sciences in East Asia – whether basic or applied, from technology to medicine—have shaped and been shaped historically, and are being transformed in the contemporary world by political, economic, institutional, social, and cultural forces, both regional and global.
In honor of and reflecting the career of Professor Bartholomew, the organizing committee invites complete panel proposals, as well as proposals for individual papers, round table discussions, or poster presentations on modern Japan and East Asia, especially, but not limited to, themes which engage the interstices between any field of science, technology, or medicine and such topics as social and political policy, national security, gender, environment, justice, aesthetics and values and the like, as well as other topics.
Complete panel proposals and round table sessions should be comprised of three or four persons, including the chair/discussant. A panelist may also serve as chair. We also welcome creative panel formats. If you are interested in serving as a discussant for another panel, we ask that you send a short cv and statement of interest and specialty in a single attachment named with your last name and the word “discussant,” e.g., “Smith discussant,” to .
Submission deadline: Friday, July 1, 2011
Panelists should consider how their papers fit within one of the following subthemes and indicate this in the proposal.
• Tradition and Modernity in Science, Technology and Medicine
• Embodied Subjectivity: Race, Class, and Gender in Science, Technology and Medicine
• Ideologies of Science, Technology and Medicine
• Geographies of Scientific and Engineering Knowledge
• Science, Medicine, and Technology in War and Peace
• Science, Technology, Medicine and Empire
• Failure and Innovation in Science, Technology and Medicine
• Ethics in Science, Technology and Medicine
• The Science and Technology of National Security
• Science, Technology, Medicine and Environmental Justice
• Science, Technology, Medicine and Discourses of Identity
• Pandemic: Histories of Public Health and Public Policy
• Pedagogy of East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine
Directions for Submitting an Online Proposal
Individual Papers, Complete Panel or Roundtable Sessions, and Poster Presentations
Proposals for individual papers and poster presentations must include:
1. One-page abstract which includes a brief explanation of how the paper contributes to a conference subtheme (maximum 250 words).
2. One-page curriculum vitae, including current postal and e-mail addresses
3. The submitter's personal information, including name, email address, and institutional affiliation.
Proposals for complete panel sessions and roundtable sessions must include:
1. Short description of the session, names of participants and paper titles and an explanation of how individual papers contribute to a conference subtheme (300 word maximum excluding participant’s names and paper titles).
2. One-page abstract (maximum 250 words) for each paper included in the session.
3. One-page curriculum vitae, including current postal and e-mail addresses for each presenter and the chair/discussant.
4. Personal information, including name, email address, and institutional affiliation for each presenter and the chair/discussant
Deadline for proposals is Friday, July 1, 2011
Submission Instructions for individual papers and poster presentations:
Send a single attachment to David.Blaylock@eku.educontaining: 1) paper abstract of no more than 250 words, and; 2) a current cv in either Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), Rich Text Format (.rtf) file format, or Adobe Acrobat (pdf). Name your attachment with your last name and the words “paper proposal” or “poster proposal,” e.g., “Smith paper proposal” or “Jones poster proposal,” whichever is appropriate.
Submission Instructions for complete panel sessions and roundtable sessions:
Send a single attachment to David.Blaylock@eku.educontaining : 1) 300 word description of the session; 2) 250 word abstracts for each paper included in the session, and; 3) current cv for each participant—chair/discussant in either Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), Rich Text Format (.rtf) format, or Adobe Acrobat (pdf). Name your attachment with the panel organizer’s last name and the words “panel proposal” or “roundtable proposal,” e.g., “Smith panel proposal” or “Jones roundtable proposal,” whichever is appropriate.