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2. 研究主題不限於歷史學研究,但原則上需盡量符合本子計畫之三個重點:東亞現代性下的醫療與衛生、殖民醫學、性別與醫療。







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聯絡地址:11221臺北市北投區立農街二段155號 國立陽明大學科技與社會研究所

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版主:北京人民大學歷史系陳昊學兄轉來會議徵文通知。該校將與德國Rachel Carson中心合辦的環境史系列會議,現正徵集論文中,轉請諸學友參考。



Call for Papers


斯土斯民: 環境歷史中的城市與鄉村





會議召集人:唐納德·沃斯特(Donald Worster中國人民大學生態史研究中心名譽主任)

           克裏斯多夫·毛赫(Christof Mauch 德國慕尼克大學蕾切爾·卡森中心主任)夏明方(Mingfang Xia中國人民大學生態史研究中心主任)







Donald Worster, dworster@ku.edu


Christof Mauch, mauch@lmu.de


相關事務性問題請詢問會議秘書:侯深(中國人民大學生態史研究中心副主任)houshen414@gmail.com,或Agnes Kneitz(中國人民大學生態史研究中心成員) agnes.kneitz@email.de






The Country and the City:  

Connecting People and Their Places

in Environmental History


An international conference to be held in Beijing, at Renmin University of China, May 29-June 1, 2014

Co-Sponsored by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich, and the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China


Do rural people live in harmony with each other and with nature? Are urban people alienated from the land and exploitative in their ecological behavior? These questions point to cultural myths that have persisted across time and space, from ancient China to modern Africa. This conference seeks to scrutinize such cultural perceptions, in the spirit of famed British cultural critic Raymond Williams, and at the same time examine the material connections that have long bound rural and urban habitats together. We are especially interested in comparative studies that cross national boundaries, in papers that bring neglected parts of the world into view, and in perspectives that extend back in time before the twentieth century.

We seek papers on such topics as the cultural views of nature on the farm and in the city; the production of food and its export to the city; the disposal of urban wastes in the countryside; vectors of disease; the links forged by trade, capital, and the state among the various places, big and small, where people make their living; urban-rural conflicts over the meaning and practice of conservation; “green” cities and “eco villages”; and the city as habitat for nonhuman species.

This conference is open to all ranks and all scholars, from graduate students to senior professors. Paper proposals should be one-page long (or about 300 words) and include a title and a one- or two-page CV. The deadline for consideration is 1 January 2014. Successful proposals will be announced by 1 February, and complete drafts of papers (5,000-7,000 words in English or the equivalent in Chinese characters) will be required by 1 May.

All papers will be circulated to the participants in advance for careful reading and will not be orally presented during the conference. The organizers have no plans to publish a conference volume, although some of the papers may be translated into Chinese for publication in China, with the authors’ full consent. Also, we may ask a few of the presenters to provide post-conference “thought pieces,” short reflections on the themes and issues that emerged, for publication in the Perspectives series of the Rachel Carson Center.

Travel expenses for scholars living outside of China will be paid by the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society. Scholars living within China should depend on their own universities for covering travel expenses.   For all participants, hotel expenses for four nights will be covered by Renmin University of China.

The last day of the conference will be devoted to a field trip that will explore the links between Beijing and its hinterland in food, water, and energy.

Send proposals in Chinese or English to all of the conference organizers:

Mingfang Xia


Christof Mauch                     


Donald Worster


Mingfang Xia is director of the Center for Ecological History, Renmin University of China, Beijing, and professor of history and director of the Qing Institute. Christof Mauch is director of the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, and professor of American cultural history, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany. Donald Worster is Hall professor of history emeritus, University of Kansas, USA, and distinguished foreign expert, Renmin University of China. The organizing committee also includes Professor Shen Hou, deputy director of the Center for Ecological History and associate professor of history at Renmin University of China. The conference secretary is Agnes Kneitz, assistant professor of history at Renmin University of China.

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1.         亞太區域各國之歷史、海洋史研究

2.         亞太區域之社會文化、語言、宗教與族群關係

3.        亞太區域政治、經濟及社會之轉型與發展

4.         亞太區域跨境/跨國流動研究

5.         東亞經貿發展、中國大陸經濟的相關研究

6.         東亞社會裡的衛生與醫療



1. 於國內大學碩士學科課程已修畢,碩士論文研究計畫大綱已獲得教授及審查委員會通過者。

2. 若有兼職請註明現職及執行期限,供審查小組參考。



1. 申請表。【請從網頁下載】

2. 研究所成績單、個人學經歷(包括研究區域語文能力)、自傳。

3. 論文研究計畫及田野調查(含預算)計畫。


4. 所方出具學分已修滿及通過論文大綱口試之證明。

5. 指導教授推薦信一封。



1.     依名次給予不同月數之獎助金,每月八千元(及補助部份田野調查費用)

2.     若已獲其他機構獎助者,請勿申請;若補助期間獲得其他機構獎助者,請擇一獎助單位。亦請於畢業論文專頁註明接受本專題中心之獎助。

3.     得獎名單揭曉時,若論文已通過畢業口試,則不予補助,但可出具得獎證明。







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PhD Fellowship: EASTmedicine Research Centre,
University of Westminster, London

Project title: Transnational Conversations in the
Development of Medicine in China and Japan between the 18th to 20th centuries (http://www.westminster.ac.uk/courses/research-degrees/research-areas/life-sciences/research-studentships/development-of-medicine-in-china-and-japan-studentship2)

Background to research and synopsis

The proposed project forms part of the Wellcome Trust
sponsored research cluster “Beyond Tradition: Styles of Practice and Ways of
Knowing in East Asian Medicines, 1000-Present.” The cluster explores the
emergence and transformations of medical practices in East
Asia from a trans-local perspective drawing on research methods
from across the medical humanities.

The specific objective of this PhD project is to
investigate and compare the ways in which traditional healing practices in
China and Japan were shaped by transcultural exchanges of medical and
intellectual ideas at key moments during the 17th to early 20th centuries
(roughly corresponding to the Edo and Meiji eras in Japan, and the Qing and
Republican periods in China). We are specifically interested in examining one
or more of the following questions: How and why did critiques of medical
practice inspired by evidential scholarship land western learnings lead to the
development of very different styles of practice in Japan and China beginning
in the 18th century, and what is the relation between the two? How specifically
did transformations of medical practice in Edo and Meiji Japan influence
the modernisation of Chinese medicine in late Qing and Republican China? To
what extent was the development of modern “traditional Chinese medicine” by
ideas and concepts imported from Japan after the late 19th century
into Republican China? The answers to such questions will significantly advance
our understanding of East Asian medicines by revealing how these medical
traditions developed in conversation with each other over the past few
centuries. The project will therefore enable us to go beyond current analytical
frameworks that depict traditional medicines as the singular cultural
patrimonies of one or another nation-state

To this end the successful candidate is expected to
carry out library based research in the UK, China, Japan and other locations as
appropriate. Although primarily located within the history of medicine, the
research should share the orientations of the wider project. These include an
interest in epistemic historiography and cultural history. The successful
candidate is expected to have the skills necessary to carry out this research.
Further training will be provided via the EASTmedicine Research Centre, the
University’s Graduate Centre and Chinese or Japanese partner institutions, with
whom the project will be coordinated.

Supervisory Committee: Volker Scheid, Yi-Li Wu, Keiko
Daidoji, Vivienne Lo

Funding Notes:

The Studentship consists of a fee waiver and a stipend
of £16,000 per annum. Successful candidates will be expected to undertake some
teaching duties.

Prospective candidates wishing to informally discuss an
application should contact Dr John Murphy, J.Murphy@westminster.ac.uk


Research in the School of Life Sciences encompasses a
wide range of disciplines from pure to applied science, integrating areas from
structural biology, molecular genetics, applied microbiology and biotechnology
at one extreme to human performance, Chinese medicine, public health nutrition
and wellbeing at the other. In the latest Research Assessment Exercise (2008),
the research outputs of a number of staff were judged to be at the levels of
World Leading (4*) and Internationally Excellent (3*). Research is undertaken
in the University
of Westminster 's
Cavendish site's laboratories using state-of-the-art instrumentation and in the
University Polyclinic. Experienced and research-active staff in the School work
in close collaboration with bio-industry, the NHS, research institutions within
the UK , Europe and the US .


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研究生論壇歡迎國內相關領域碩、博士研究生報名參加,並由 馬光亞 教授中醫教育基金會提供獎助金以資鼓勵。

請於20130115日前將您最終確定的論文 提要通過電子郵件方式 (chenshien.academic@gmail.com 先生) 寄給我們,以利報名。


請於2013209前將您的論文全文及摘要(中、英文,約600) 通過電子郵件方式寄給我們,逾時不候。

通過初步審查後會以電子郵件方式個別通知, 並安排於03/11日在會場進行口頭簡報,並由大會安排評審記分講評。



http://physicians2013historians.blogspot.tw/search/label/5.%20%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E7%94% 9F %E8%AB%96%E5%A3%87

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版主:感 謝黃文儀 博士提供之徵文訊息。



5th International Conference on The
History of Medicine in Southeast Asia

(HOMSEA 2014)

To be held in Manila, The Philippines

9-11 January 2014

Conference Host: Department of History,
Ateneo de Manila University

All proposals on the subject of the
history of medicine and health in

Southeast Asia will be considered, but
preference will be given to

those on the following themes in
Southeast Asia:

The history of medical education

Indigenous medical traditions

History of military medicine

Medical biographies

Organising the medical profession

Women's health and family planning

Medicine and social development

Travel, contact, exchange, and
circulation of medicine

Colonial and national medicine

Historical medical texts

Medicine and religious practices

Chinese and Indian medicine

Early medical professionals

Please submit a one-page proposed
abstract for a 20-minute talk, and a

one-page CV, by 1 March 2013 to:
Laurence Monnais:


Please note that it may be possible to
subsidize some of the costs of

participation for scholars from less
wealthy countries, and for

graduate and postgraduate students.




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版主:轉貼一則 姜學豪 博士提供的訊息。

As a member of the Editorial Board, I'm happy to
announce the CFP:

Call For Papers

TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 1:2

Decolonizing the Transgender Imaginary

What would it mean to “decolonize the transgender

Popular narratives about transgender communities,
identities, and practices outside North America and Europe often imagine
non-Western locales as either idyllic havens of traditional acceptance towards
gender diversity, or else as backward places in which trans people, like gays
and lesbians (both Euro-American constructs) are universally shunned and hated.
In both schemes, the non-West forms a premodern backdrop for the civilizing,
tolerant liberalism of a homonationalist or trans-normative modernity. All the
while, trans people and nonbinary gender systems find ways to survive, live and
thrive. In these existences, we find important challenges and negotiations to
localized discourses of modernity. A transnational transgender rights movement,
at times sited in the global south, has taken shape over the last decade,
enabled by new media technologies that are as symbolic of late capitalist
industrial modernity as are the body technologies of changing sex. Together,
these contradictory flows form a transnational transgender imaginary. Who are
the players in this transnational transgender imaginary? What is at stake in
such representational struggles? How does imagining globally networked
communities of trans people interact with already-existing global flows: post-
and neo-colonialism; global capital; immigration; diaspora; refuge and asylum
seeking; global labor flows such as sex work or care work, and leisure travel?

Trans and queer of color scholarship has already begun
to critique the homonationalism within emergent forms of “trans-normative”
citizenship in many locations. And yet the very terms “trans of color” and
“queer of color” signify, for some, a concern with the racial economies of the U.S. How do
these optics and critiques work in a transnational context? How might such
critique inform international NGO funding or human rights activism? How do
“trans of color” and “queer of color” signify differently in different
continents, regions, and locales? How are issues of linguistic diversity and
translation to be addressed from a decolonizing perspective?

Multiple perspectives within and without queer studies
about the “queer globe” have addressed similar questions for some time.
Transnational queer scholarship comments on, and often participates in, a transnational
LGBT justice movement. Much of the existing scholarship on transnational
gender-variant social practices has appeared in the context of queer
anthropology. While this cross-cultural work has made critical contributions to
theories of how sexual and gender non-normativities emerge in relation to
local, regional, and global flows, it also often assumes “homosexuality” as the
default category of analysis within which gender-variance is subsumed. This
raises important questions about the epistemological investments that
contemporary Anglophone queer and transgender studies have in the categorical
(dis)articulations of gender, identity, and sexuality.

We seek to call attention to the assumptions operating
in much of this cross-cultural work that both biological sex and the categories
“man” and “woman” are stable and self-evident across time, space, and culture,
resulting in homosexuality being privileged as the essential framework in which
to categorize sex and gender. These conceptual operations impose an Anglophone,
modern, and western interpretive schema on historically colonized parts of the
world. How might a transgender focus alter, sharpen, critique or inform such
scholarship? Conversely, when scholars, activists, and funding bodies use the
term “transgender” as an umbrella for local or regional categories indexing sex
and gender diversity, we risk making a similar imperialist move. How might
emphasizing a transgender studies perspective do more than simply offer “trans”
as a better alternative to “homo,” and instead find new ways to encounter the
global diversity of embodied subjectivities? How might transgender studies
contribute to the decolonization of the sex and gendered imaginaries through
which we grasp a world of difference?

Framed within the context of a transgender studies
journal based in North America , this special
issue itself is implicated in the colonialism of the North American academy.
How do we decolonize our own ways of thinking transgender? How do we decolonize
transgender studies itself?

We invite proposals for scholarly essays that address
these and similar issues. Potential topics might include transgender studies in
relation to:

• multiple, geographically disparate modernities

• trans as a site of racial, class, anticolonial

• indigenous studies and settler colonialism

• decolonizing transgender studies

• trans of color critique

• critiques of cross-cultural analysis

• whiteness

• anthropology

• transgender necropolitics

• transnationality

• the "third gender" debate

• transnational violence, transphobia, and responses to
“hate crimes”

• ethnographic methods

• global trans movements

• the uses of “transgender” in NGO’s and the academy

• trans studies from the global south

• south-south dialogues

• global trafficking and sex work

• citizenship and national belonging

• global migration

• trans inclusion within queer anthropology

• the innocence of difference and trans studies

• challenges in circulation/use of transposing theories
and methodologies

• local categories and vocabularies of trans survival
and existence

To be considered for publication, please submit an
article by Feb. 1st, 2013 to tsqjournal@gmail.com. Include a brief bio, your
name, postal address, email, and any institutional affiliation. Final revisions
will be due by May 2013.


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版主:感 謝黃文儀 博士提供的會議訊息,對女性身體醫療史有興趣的可以參考。



*CFP: The History and Politics of Abortion*

An edited collection by Tracy Penny
Light and Shannon Stettner

Women's bodies have always been sites of
struggle--over meanings and for

control. The most polarizing conflicts
involve women's reproductive

autonomy. Around the world women
continue to fight for or to retain hard

won abortion rights. Women's experiences
with abortion are contested by

and between the medical establishment,
the state, churches, the media, and

activists. Further complicating these
conflicts are issues of race, class,

gender, and heteronormativity. This
collection seeks to publish works on

the history and politics of abortion
worldwide. We invite theoretical,

country-specific, and transnational
comparative pieces.

Topics may include, but are not limited

-Shifting (historical/political)
meanings of abortion

-The place of women in abortion

-Historical constructions of the fetus

-'Pro-choice' and 'pro-life' activism

-Reproductive justice movement

-The role of the state in abortion

- The role of the medical profession in
abortion politics

-The influence of medical advancements
on abortion politics/history

-Abortion and sexuality

Please submit abstracts of no more than
300 words and a one-page CV to

Tracy Penny Light at abortionpolitics@gmail.com. Article abstracts due

November 30, 2012.

Tracy Penny Light is Director of Women's
Studies at the University of

Waterloo and Associate Professor in the Sexuality,
Marriage, and Family

Studies and History departments at St. Jerome 's University ( University of

Waterloo ). Her
research explores the medical discourse on gender and

sexuality in Canada
and the United States
in the twentieth century. Her

forthcoming book, _Shifting Interests:
The Medical Discourse on Abortion

in English Canada, 1850-1969_ (Wilfrid
Laurier University Press) explores the

ways that the medical profession has
understood abortion practices in the

past. She has published articles on
masculinity and the feminine ideal in

Canada and the United States as well as on
developing historical thinking

in students. She is also co-editing two
forthcoming books: _Bodily

Subjects: Essays on Gender and Health,
1800-2000_ (with Wendy Mitchinson

and Barbara Brookes) and a book on
feminist pedagogy in higher education

(with Jane Nicholas and Renee Bondy).

Shannon Stettner recently defended her dissertation,
*Women and Abortion in

English Canada: Public Debates and
Political Participation, 1959-1970*, at

York University and is under contract to revise the
manuscript for

publication* *(Wilfrid Laurier
University Press). The book explores women?s

contributions to the abortion law reform
debate of the decade. She has

published in the *Canadian Bulletin of
Medical History* and is currently

editing a volume of abortion narratives
and think pieces entitled *Voices

on Choice(s): Reflections on Abortion in
Canada *.

Tracy Penny

University of Waterloo


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2013年臺灣科技與社會研究學會第五屆年會 徵稿公告







1. 一般論文。



2. 自行籌組論文:每組3-4篇文章,由籌組人撰寫主題及籌組說明,附上各篇論文摘要(請合併為一個word檔,以籌組人姓名為檔名)。可選擇以正式論文(full papers)、工作論文(working papers)、及口頭發表討論之論壇等形式組成。


1. 不超過兩萬字的學術論文,中文為主,但也接受英文稿件。

2. 歡迎研究生將優秀的期末報告、碩士論文改寫發表。


1. 請投稿者及論文籌組人於2012/11/01()前填寫投稿申請表及摘要(如附件)寄至2012sts@gmail.com,主旨註明「投稿2013臺灣STS學會年會」。

2. 摘要審查結果暫定於20121115日 公佈入選名單。





投稿申請表下載 2013STS年會徵稿公告全文下載 (請參考:http://www.tw-sts.org/)

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 版主:非常感謝黃文儀學妹提供的徵稿訊息,而版主進一步詢問過Dr. James





for papers ICTAM 8, "Beyond Integration: Reflections on Asian

Medicines in the 21st Century" Changwon, Gyeongsangnamdo , South
Korea ,

September 9-13, 2013



The Eighth International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicine


Changwon Exhibition Convention Centre (CECO), Changwon, Gyeongsangnamdo, South

SEPTEMBER 9-13, Monday-Friday 2013

International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine (IASTAM)


The International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine
(IASTAM) will hold its Eighth International Congress of Traditional Asian
Medicine in the Changwon Convention Exhibition Centre, Changwon,
Gyeongsangnamdo, South Korea from September 9-13, 2013. The theme for the
Eighth Congress will be 'Beyond Integration: Reflections on Asian Medicines in
the 21st Century.' The sub-themes of the Congress will be 'Canonisation and
Textual Authority,' 'The Mainstreaming of Asian Medicine,' 'Spirits,' 'Efficacy
and Effectiveness,' 'Networks and Systems' and 'Asian Medicines in Global
Health and Development.' The Congress will provide a forum for the latest
scholarship in Asian Medicine. The International Association for the Study of
Traditional Asian Medicine (IASTAM) is the world's foremost community of
scholars and practitioners devoted to understanding the history and
contemporary practice of Asian medicines in all its many forms. IASTAM
membership is made up of academics and clinicians, pharmacologists and
epidemiologists, and many other stakeholders caring for the past, present and
future of Asian medicines. IASTAM is also known for putting on the most
exciting events and conferences in the field. Please join us for this exciting
event in Korea
that will feature many of the leading scholars and practitioners in the field
of Asian Medicines.

The congress details may be found on the website of IASTAM
As information comes to hand this page will be updated. Registration facilities
will be made available there with a full description of the congress
accommodation options, cultural activities, tentative schedule and a list of
the presenters of papers.

Papers dealing with any aspect of Asian Medicine will be welcome, including
both academic and those concerning clinical practice. The Organising Committee
encourages broad participation from senior and junior scholars, and
practitioners and students in the field of Asian Medicine. IASTAM is making a
serious effort to strengthen the bridge between practitioners in the field and
academia. Individuals may submit proposals for consideration in any of the
sub-themes or separately from any of the sub-themes. Please go to the website
to submit an abstract and follow the instructions.

Please register on the Congress page on the IASTAM website


31 January 2013

End of acceptance of

30 April 2013

Notification of acceptance of

15 May 2013 Publication of
preliminary programme.

31 May 2013

End of Very Early Bird

30 June 2013

End of Early Bird Registration.

13 September 2013

End of
Full Price Registration


Fees (US Dollars)

Very Early Bird Registration


Early Bird Registration




Student Registration


Accompanying partner/companion

100 (includes two banquets and


family member if under age 18 Free

Volker Scheid PhD, FRCHM, MBAcC

Professor of East Asian Medicines

Director EASTmedicine Research Centre

School of Life Sciences

University of Westminster

115 New Cavendish Street

London WC1W 6UW

Tel: +44 (0)200207 911 5000 x 64662

+44 (0)7734 252 993



All cancellations must be
received in writing and emailed to James Flowers

jflower6@jhmi.edu by 31 July
2013 for full refund. If a cancellation is made during

the month of August 2013, 50%
refund will be provided. No refunds for cancellation

will be
provided after August 31, 2013.

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24th International Congress of History of Science,
Technology and Medicine



轉載:第24屆國際科學史會議 (24th
International Congress of History of Science, Technology and Medicine)



Call for stand-alone papers

The Congress
organising committee now invites proposals for stand-alone (individual) paper
presentations. The deadline for submissions is Friday 30 November 2012.

How to submit

We have developed
an online submissions form, into which you can paste your abstract and other
Click here to access the form
(opens in a new window or tab).

If you have any
queries about this form, please contact the organisers at
before submitting.

Subject coverage

The theme of the
24th Congress is ‘Knowledge at work’. We construe this theme broadly, and
encourage studies of the creation, dissemination and deployment of knowledge
and practice across all periods, and from a variety of methodological and
historiographical approaches. Possible areas of investigation may include, but
are not limited to

case studies of knowledge-making and knowledge-use in particular
scientific, technological and medical communities

the use and adaptation of scientific knowledge in the workplace, the home,
and the wider world

how facts, and other knowledge-claims, travel between disciplines, countries
and communities

relationships between those knowledge-making enterprises which are
described as ‘science’ and those which are not, and the dynamics of the
boundaries between them

definitions and meanings of ‘pure’, ‘fundamental’ and ‘applied’ research

how scientists, engineers and healthcare professionals (and their
historical antecedents) work, and whom they work for

the status relations of knowledge and work, including the roles of
‘artists’, ‘artisans’, ‘professionals’, ‘amateurs’, ‘devotees’, ‘operatives’,
‘philosophers’, ‘adepts’, ‘scientists’ and ‘workers’

sites and geographies of knowledge-production and knowledge-exchange:
laboratory, field, factory, hospital, ocean…

communication about science: forms and genres, advocacy and dissent,
authorship and audience in print, manuscript, broadcasting, digital media and

Presentation format

submissions will normally be assembled thematically into groups of 4
presentations per 90-minute session. You should prepare a presentation of
around 15 to 17 minutes’ duration, to be followed by 5 minutes of audience
questions. Please plan carefully: the very high volume of activity at the
Congress means it will be necessary to run strictly to time.

Each stand-alone
paper session will be chaired by a Congress participant chosen by the
organising committee, who will co-ordinate questions at the end of each
presentation. The stand-alone sessions will not normally feature commentaries
or group question time.

All the Congress
presentation rooms are equipped as standard with a Windows PC running
Powerpoint, Media Player, etc; LCD projector (beamer); projection screen; and
audio speakers. Microphones will be available in the largest rooms. Requests
for additional equipment may be made via the abstract submission form, but
cannot be guaranteed.


Most papers at the
Congress are presented by sole authors. You may, however, submit a co-authored
paper to be co-presented by two or, if necessary, three authors. All registered
co-presenters should take an active role in delivering the paper.

If your research
involves collaboration with colleagues who will not be attending the Congress,
please do not list them as co-presenters (see “Attendance requirement”). Instead,
please develop a solo paper based on the collaboration, crediting your
colleagues as appropriate in your talk.


Papers may be
presented in any of the following languages: English, French, Spanish, German,
Italian, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian and Arabic.

For review and
documentation purposes, we require titles and abstracts for all proposals to be
submitted in either English or French. If you will be presenting
in another language, please also supply an equivalent title and abstract in
that language.

Unfortunately, we
are unable to provide facilities for translation at the Congress.


We regret that the
Congress has no funds to support delegate attendance. We hope to be able to
announce the availability of student bursaries at a later date.

Attendance requirement

The central purpose
of the Congress is to bring researchers together. Because of the limitations of
the timetable, offering space to discuss absent speakers’ papers would mean
denying important opportunities to others. Therefore, all presenters must
deliver their papers in person:
please don’t submit a proposal unless you
intend to travel to Manchester
to attend the Congress.

For co-authored
papers, all co-authors must attend together. If you are collaborating with
another researcher who can’t attend, please submit a single-authored paper, and
credit your co-author as appropriate in the talk.

If, following
acceptance, you learn that you cannot attend the Congress, it is very important
that you inform the Congress organisers as quickly as possible so that your
time can be reallocated.

Presenters making multiple

To include the
maximum number of speakers within the constraints of the timetable, we have to
stipulate that no individual may present more than one paper at the Congress,
as a stand-alone presenter and/or as part of one or more symposia (themed
sessions proposed during the previous round).

presenting in a stand-alone session are, however, permitted to

chair a different session (as arranged with Congress or symposium

co-organise a symposium (provided they do not contribute a paper to it)

commentate on a symposium

organise or take part in non-paper-session activities around the Congress
(as agreed with the organisers).

The organisers will
do their best to avoid clashes between proposed multiple commitments, but the
large number of parallel sessions at the Congress means this cannot be
guaranteed. Please contact us if you need further information.

Clarification on publications

The Congress is not
a “publication conference” of the kind which is conventional in some academic
fields. Our priority is to encourage discussion of current research, and while
presentations should, of course, be well-structured and coherent, they need not
be prepared as formal academic texts. Acceptance decisions are based on
abstracts alone, and stand-alone papers are not pre-circulated.

The Congress does
not issue “Proceedings” volumes, and acceptance does not imply an offer of
publication. (Some symposium organisers will be working towards publications
based on their symposia, but this is not handled by the central Congress

Submitting your proposal

A link to the
submission form is provided at the top of this page. Please read the guidelines
provided on the form itself carefully when completing it.

The form will be
taken down at midnight (Greenwich Mean Time) on Friday 30 November 2012.
No proposals can be considered after this point.

The Programme
Committee will send confirmations of all accepted proposals to the
corresponding authors, via the contact details given, in February 2013.
Registration for the Congress will then open in March.




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六、申請截止日期:應徵者請檢具上述證件資料,於民國101 年(2012831日前寄達








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一、  活動目的


二、  主辦單位



三、  研習對象與人數


四、  活動日期

2012826(星期日)至91日 (星期六),共計7日。

五、  活動地點


六、  活動內容與形式


1. 專題課程


2. 座談會


3. 相關討論課程


4. 實地教學


七、  報名日期

即日起至2012430日 止,按報名收件時間依序錄取,截止報名後一星期內,將於中國近代史學會網站公告錄取名單,並個別寄發電子郵件通知。

八、  報名方式



九、  繳費方式

台北市文山區指南路二段64號 國立政治大學人文中心 中國近代史學會收」或傳真到(022938-7803,即完成報名手續。

十、  師資陣容(依姓氏筆畫排列)









張 力(中央研究院近代史研究所研究員)



十一、 保險說明


十二、 活動網站


十三、 活動聯繫






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「科技與社會」(Science, Technology and













摘要投稿截止日期::20120708日 (星期日)前繳交,字數限5001,000字。

論文入選名單公佈:20120716日 (星期一)

全文:20120930日 (星期日)前繳交,字數限15,000字至20,000字。



2012年10月20(星期六)至 10月21(星期日)



投稿者請請在期限內將論文摘要暨發表人基本資料表(姓名、單位、E-mail、電話、住址)電子檔(以投稿者姓名為檔名)寄至本中心信箱 huei@mail.nctu.edu.tw這個 E-mail 地址已經被防止灌水惡意程式保護,您需要啟用
Java Script
主旨註明「投稿2012年第三屆科技與社會研究生論文研討會摘要」。論文審核結果將公佈於台灣聯合大學系統科技與社會中心網站,並以e-mail通知錄取結果,未入選者將不再另行通知。入選者請於期限前將論文全文依附檔形式(word檔,撰稿體例,請參見《科技、醫療與社會》期刊網頁http://stm. ym.edu.tw/)寄至上述E-mail信箱。








huei@mail.nctu.edu.tw這個 E-mail 地址已經被防止灌水惡意程式保護,您需要啟用
Java Script


相關資訊請參考台灣聯合大學系統科技與社會中心網站(http: //uststs.nctu.edu.tw/)。




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  大會主席為吳咸中院士兼中國中西醫結合學會名譽會長。徵文內容有5項,(1)對結合醫學學術地位與作用的再認識及新形勢下發展結合醫學的思路,途經和方法的理論探討與經驗總結。(2) 展示五年來結合醫學在臨床研究、基礎研究、藥學研究、教學研究、學科建設、政策研究等方面取得的代表性成果。(3) 結合醫學各臨床學科新診療經驗的總結和分析,中西醫結合新技術,新方法的推介與評價,以及實現科研成果向臨床應用轉化的新經驗與新模式。(4) 中西醫結合優勢病種臨床診療路徑的實戰經驗與臨床共性問題的探索。(5) 對結合醫學的未來研究,以及其他促進結合醫學發展的相關研究。

  報名參加在71日前通過E-mail至大會籌備處郵箱:dhtzbm@163.com。論文截止日期為2012731日 ,論文全文4,000字以內,摘要至少400字且中英文對照,電子稿件寄至zxyjhdh@163.com,敬請大家踴躍報名參加,並積極發表論文。大會網站:www.tjnkh.com

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The Sixth Conference

for the Asian Society for the History of Medicine


14-15 December 2012

Keio University , Hiyoshi Campus ( Yokohama )



The Sixth Conference for the Asian Society for the History of Medicine will be held at Keio University in Japan on 14-15 Dec 2012.  The theme of the conference is “Medicine, Society and Culture in Asia and Beyond”.  Possible topics might include:


§   Transmission of medical ideas and materials within and beyond Asia

§   Modernization and the history of the body

§   Colonial and imperial medicine

§   Public health and the nation-building

§   Trade, politics and medicine

§   The impact of Western medicine

§   Gender, Race, and making of the people

§   Books, patients, laboratories, and the fields


We encourage historians of medicine to submit a proposal for a 20-minute individual paper, or a proposal for a 90-minute panel for 3-5 papers via email by 31 July 2012 to Akihito Suzuki (akihitosuzuki2.0@gmail.com).  The abstract for an individual paper should not exceed 350 words.  The abstract for the panel should list the rationale for the panel and the abstracts of the papers, maximum 1500 words in total.  We encourage panel-organizers to include different countries in a single panel, (e.g. leprosy in China , Korea , Japan , and India ).  We have a limited fund for travel and accommodation.  Please ask for further details if any assistance is required. 



We are also going to have a special day for graduate students’ workshop, and we hope we receive a lot of paper- or panel proposals from graduate students interested in history of medicine. 







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24th International Congress of History of Science, Technology and


Call for

The Congress will consider two forms of submission:
Symposia and Individual Papers. A Symposium is an organised thematic panel
consisting of several papers addressing a specific topic. The call for
Individual Papers will be managed separately, and will open in May 2012 (see
key dates). The call for Symposia is now open.

A printable version of the information
(pdf) is available.

How to submit

You can download a submission form in Microsoft Word (.docx) format or Rich Text Format. Please email the completed
form to

We expect to replace this form by an online
submission form with equivalent content soon.


The Congress requires that each Symposium is
organised by two or more individuals from different countries.
Organisers may be representatives of institutions, or act together as
individuals. We encourage organisers to ensure that the composition of their
panels reflects a range of different national backgrounds and perspectives.

The theme of the 24th Congress is ‘Knowledge at
.’ All proposals must indicate how the Symposium fits into this theme,
broadly considered.

Each Commission of the Division of the History of
Science and Technology of the International Union for the History and
Philosophy of Science is expected to organise at least one Symposium in its

The Congress has no funds to support Symposia,
excepting the probable availability of student bursaries (to be announced at a
later date). However, any sponsorship (academic or commercial) that a Symposium
may obtain will be fully acknowledged at the Congress and in its publications.


The expected timetabling is as follows: each day of
the Congress will be divided into two half-day slots, and each slot into two
90-minute sessions (giving four sessions per day). A Symposium may occupy from
one to eight half-day slots in the programme.

Within this session structure, Symposium organisers
are free to propose any arrangement of speakers. For instance, a session may
contain eight 10-minute papers or three 30-minute papers, with or without

There is no limit to the total number of papers in a
Symposium proposal, provided they can be accommodated in the slots requested.

All proposals must be accompanied by five keywords
reflecting the theme of the Symposium. To minimise clashes in a programme which
will include many parallel sessions, the choice of these keywords is vital, as
they will be used to determine the first draft of the programme. Keywords may
be short phrases, and might include a geographical region, a chronological
period, a theme, a named individual, etc. For example: ‘nineteenth century’
‘institutions’ ‘chemistry’ ‘ England ’
‘Humphry Davy’.

The Programme Committee will try to arrange for
Symposia requiring more than one slot to run sequentially, but this cannot be

To minimise clashes, the Programme Committee also
reserves the right to add papers from elsewhere to a Symposium.


Papers may be presented in any of the following
languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Chinese, Portuguese,
Russian and Arabic. Descriptions of Symposia may be submitted in any of these
languages, but must be followed by a French or English translation.

Unfortunately, we are unable to provide facilities
for translation at the Congress.

Completing the
submission form

Symposium organisers are required to complete all the
spaces on the form.

Your ‘Description of the Symposium’ should explain
how the Symposium addresses the theme of ‘Knowledge at Work’, and indicate as
far as possible who will be speaking (the Programme Committee appreciates that
you may only be able to give provisional details at this stage).

The form will be taken down at midnight (British
Summer Time) on Monday 30 April 2012. No proposals can be considered after this

The Programme Committee will send confirmations of
all accepted proposals to the named organisers, via the contact details given,
by Saturday 30 June 2012. It will then be the responsibility of the Symposium
organisers to ensure that their speakers submit their individual abstracts via
the individual paper submission system.

Organisers should note that no speaker will appear on
the programme who has not registered by 1 July 2013. It is the organiser’s
responsibility to make sure that all potential speakers are aware of this.




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