講 題:『Statistics of Mental Deficiency and the New Science of Human Heredity, 1890-1914』
主 講:Theodore M. Porter 教授
(UCLA Department of History)
時 間:99年8月10日(二)上午10:00-12:00
地 點:陽明大學 圖資大樓 R839
主辦單位:陽明大學 人文與社會科學院 科技與社會研究所
台灣聯合大學系統 STS領域推動計畫
校園地圖:http://www.ym.edu.tw/map.html (P3)
Statistics of Mental Deficiency and the New Science of Human Heredity, 1890-1914
Theodore M. Porter
Despite the sharp conflicts between biometricians and Mendelians about how to investigate heredity, they agreed on a quantitative approach to the study of human heredity. Human genetics (eugenics) was based overwhelmingly on pedigrees and statistical records of heredity, introduced for their own reasons by asylums, prisons, and institutions for the feeble-minded. It arose not as a bright idea of Darwin 's cousin Francis Darwin, but as a form of institutional and medical record-keeping and a token of public responsibility. Eventually these data formed the nucleus of scientific efforts that joined field research and psychiatric case histories with statistical analysis. The methods of research on heredity were linked to liberal ideals for training up efficient citizens and increasingly (as asylum doctors came to doubt their ability to cure insanity), for regulating and isolating "defectives." Its ambitions were in many ways the goals of the rising welfare state.