Yi-Li Wu. Reproducing Women: Medicine, metaphor, and childbirth in late imperial China . Berkeley : University of California Press, 2010.
I) The two meanings of “reproducing women”
A) Women who reproduce婦女與其生育能力
- What do medical texts say about women’s reproductive functions and reproductive health? 傳統醫學書對女性生殖功能與其疾病的觀點如何?
- How do they understand the female body and define “female difference” (from men) 醫書如何解释女性身体, 如何界定女性與男性之間的差別
- What are the special characteristics of Qing-era fuke and what historical changes do they embody? 怎樣理解醫學歷代變化與清代婦科的特色
B) The production and reproduction of ideas about “women” 有關婦女生育的概念 的製造與復製
- Who wrote and disseminated medical texts, and why? 有什麼樣的人在寫作醫書, 傳播醫學知識? 他們有什麼目的和緣由?
- Medical legitimacy: who is best qualified to treat women’s diseases? 什麼樣的人最有資格治療婦科病? 他的說服力來自那裡?
- Medical multiplicity: debates, changes, innovation (Volker Scheid’s “plurality and synthesis”) 醫學界內的多種觀點如何互相加强或反駁, 如何引起辯論,變化,和創新?
- Interplay between material and ideological factors物質因素与思想因素的互相影响和其在醫學發展過程中的角色
II) Main arguments and chapter outlines
Chapter 1: Fuke and the Chinese literate medical tradition
a) How fuke was historically shaped by masculine ideals of classical scholarship, government service, and family lineage 傳統婦科代表男性的知識, 其權威來自男性的社會領域, 即儒學, 官場, 家族
b) How Qing dynasty writers articulated a relatively more benign view of female difference 清代醫學作者以一些比較良性的觀點來界定女性的特色以及其跟男性的差異
· Fuke as a male-authored tradition
o Fuke and classical medicine
o Fuke and medical specialization in the government medical service
o Fuke lineages
· Scholarly medicine and the de-exoticization of female difference
o 孫思邈: “婦人之病比之男子十倍難治” (寧治十男子, 莫治一婦)
o 張介賓: “...不知婦人之病本與男子同而婦人之情則與男子異.”
o <醫宗金鑑>: “婦人諸病本與男子無異”
Chapter 2: Amateur as arbiter: popular fuke manuals in the Qing
b) How people who were not doctors shaped the extant medical corpus by compiling and publishing medical texts 愛好學的儒家,普通大众, 以及其他非醫學專家者在寫作,纂修,以及刻印醫書的重要角色
c) How social, cultural, and historical dynamics shaped Qing medicine 社會, 文化, 以及歷史因素對於醫學發展的影響
· Shengyuan culture and popular publishing 所謂 “生員文化” 和醫學的普及化
· Zhulinsi texts 竹林寺的婦科書
o Buddhist healing and medical lineages
o Scholar-officials disseminate texts
· Ye Feng and his Dasheng bian (1715) 葉風(亟斋居士)和其<達生編>
o Amateur authors are more moral than doctors
o Merit publishing
Chapter 3: Function and structure in the female body
a) How doctors defined fertility and menstrual health in terms of the relationship between female Blood, channels, and the womb 醫者解釋婦女的生育能力以及調經的問題的時候會考慮到血, 經脈和子宮之間的共同關係
b) Why we should reject the stereotype that Chinese medicine is concerned with “function, not structure” 因此 , 我們應該不贊同 “中醫重視身體功能, 而不留意於身體結構” 的概念
· Medical definitions of the female womb
o Terminology
o Morphology
o 張介賓, <類經圖翼>, 1624: 命門就是子宮
- Metaphors of the womb and its role in fertility and conception
o Passageway for Blood, origin of controller and thoroughfare vessels 衝任脈
o Receptacle for female and male seed
o Crucible for transforming and sustaining fetus
o Field where one “plants” sons 種子
Chapter 4: An uncertain harvest: pregnancy and miscarriage
a) How doctors drew on competing metaphors to explain the dynamics of pregnancy and miscarriage 醫者如何引用不同的隱喻來解釋妊娠的過程和流產的原因
b) How metaphors shape medical therapy醫學思想中的隱喻對治療策略的影響
· Assessing pregnancy
o Pregnancy tests
o False pregnancies and extra-long pregnancies
· Metaphors of miscarriage
o Securing the fetus
o Picking unripe chestnuts
o “Replenish yin” and cooling formulas
o “Ripening fruit” and heating formulas
Chapter 5: Born like a lamb: the discourse of cosmologically-resonant childbirth
a) How the Dasheng bian (1715) promoted the idea that childbirth is a naturally easy process, not a crisis<達生編> 怎麼樣提倡分娩是個自然為“容易”的正常現象
b) How male doctors used this idea to argue that they were superior to midwives 男性醫生如何想利用“易產” 概念來詆毀接生婆而提高自己的權威
- “Cosmologically-resonant childbirth” and the Confucian classics
o <達生編>:“六字真言: 睡,忍痛,慢臨盆”
o <易經>,繫辭:“天地之大德曰生”
o <詩經>,生民:“先生如達”
- Historical precedents: changes in childbirth medicine from Song to the Qing
o Resolving malpresentation: from manual techniques to drugs
o Birth expediting medicines: from purging to replenishing
o Views of intervention: from active intervention to relying on nature
o Intervention and active management=inferior, female knowledge
o Protecting natural dynamics of childbirth=superior, male knowledge
Chapter 6: To generate and transform: strategies for postpartum health
a) How shenghua tang become an important formula for postpartum diseases 生化湯怎麼成為一個重要常用的產後通方
b) What its history tells us about the dynamics of medical innovation 通過它的歷史分析醫學創新的過成
- Background: the material dimensions of maternal mortality
o Doing the month 坐月子
o Infection and tetanus
- Resolving medical debates about the postpartum body
o Are postpartum women inherently sick?
o Which factors are most important: depletion, repletion, heat, cold (虛實熱冷)?
- Multiple modes of textual transmission
o Popular panacea
o Elite formula
- How medical ideas outside fuke influence views of shenghua tang
o Zhang Jiebin 張介賓 and “supplementing through warmth” 溫補
o Wang Shixiong 王士雄, huoluan 霍亂and wenbing 溫病
Epilogue: Body, gender, and medical legitimacy
- The legacy of late imperial fuke 清代婦科的遺留
- Rethinking the “Yellow Emperor’s Body” 重新考慮<黃帝內經>的性別概念
o Charlotte Furth: “androgynous body”
o Linguistic metaphors and the “infinitive body”